Monday, November 13, 2006

My Own Two Feet

“My hands are small I know,
But their not yours, they are my own…
…I am never broken.”
- Jewel

Interesting how majority of us posses the desire to be independent – live our own lives and stand on our own two feet per say… Guess it is a natural course of life like us having to get jobs and carve our own little niche in this big big world (in an effort to avoid this thing called “work” this tart has tried on numerous occasions to win the lotto – don’t work so don’t bother).

What I can’t understand is some parentals inability to let this happen. Sure they have your best interests at heart and are only trying to prevent you from making the same mistakes they did but to me it just defies pure logic…

Even worse than that is some offspring actually listen to this and hence crave a nice safe life with a Mr, three dogs, a white picket fence (ok so in Jozi this would probably have to be like a 3m high wall but it could still be white…) a Volvo and 2.5 kids. I mean if that blows your hair back then great, listen to your parentals and live your nice boring life with your probably-more-than-likely ugly children…

But how are you suppose to know what you are capable of, how far you will go to get what you really want and what you can achieve if all you do is play it safe? Risk is a part of everyday life –judging by the way some of the fucking wankers in this town drive; you put your life at risk everyday when you go to work (another reason to call in sick actually) and that isn’t given a second thought. So why second guess yourself when it comes to wanting to live by your own standards and overcome your own challenges?

Your parentals will love you whether you listen or not or at least they should… Sometimes the risk is greater than the reward but that is all just part of the journey / mystery. It’s the fundamental ingredient for standing up and being counted! We all need to follow our own paths – sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t but the main thing is that we have tried…

So I guess this tarty piece of insight is for both parties sitting on the fence – to the parentals: cut the cord and wish us well – not forgetting of course that we may need you along the way to help us pick up some of the pieces…

To the offspring: repeat after me: Let me fall for I will always get up!

(For Crombie… The possibilities are endless chicken!)

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