Monday, November 27, 2006

Cock Lock?

So Crazy B has an extremely saw jaw as well as a few swollen glands. After her action packed evening last night I have to ponder if she hasn’t got a bit of cock lock? I mean a lack of this sort of thing can definitely lead to cock lock, otherwise commonly known as lock jaw – very painful, very uncool! Of course this brought much amusement to me for the entire day – who knew getting action could turn out to be a form of exercise…?! Mmmm, maybe I should cancel my gym membership *evil smirk*

After the initial comments about what exactly went down in Audi Boy’s kitchen, we started to ponder if Crazy B hadn’t possibly picked up a dodgy something from the dear darling doct-her? Her symptoms got me a pondering at first - can a dick give you a cold? Mmmm, maybe she was suffering from cock-flu… (Google has never heard of this so there went my little theory…)

The answer in the end turned out to be so fucking entertaining that I now realize why they say it is just so god damn important for men to have this little disease… The direct um contact per say would um most definitely render them a wee bit non-productive!

Her diagnosis?... Mumps!

Aaaaaahhhhhhh yes, the irony of it all…

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