I am normally the most decisive tarty individual on the planet, except of course when it comes to menus. Menus strike fear into every fiber of my being – sssssssssoooooooooo many choices and all that pressure as everyone else at the table stares at you hunger struck and waiting for you to complete the order so everyone can eat. HATE. MENUS.
But besides the point…
The point is that I am due for an upgrade – on my phone that is, not me personally. Now this sounds like a really simple task – pick a new phone and show everyone how coolio thou are. Of course the dilemma kicks in when you have a choice of 20 phones and they all sound relatively cool and look quite stylish. I have managed to windle down the list to four phones but just can’t seem to reduce it any further. In other words, I am stuck – fucked for choice really…
My options?
Nokia N70 Music:
Generally I am not a fan of Nokia phones. I find them dull and the idea that any Joe Schmoe is able to pick my phone up and use to it to his little heart’s content appeals to me on the same level as a lobotomy does. Although in saying that, this little Nokia looks very swanky and has some really cool features when it comes to music.

Sony Ericsson W660i:
Now this little puppy is Sony E’s latest in Walkman phone technology and looks fucking awesome – am especially leaning towards the red / maroon option. Can even post blogs from this little puppy – brilliant! Have never had a Sony before and the idea of something new kinda has the whole OOOOOOOOO AAAAHHHHHHHHHH factor for me. But dunno…

Sony Ericsson W880i:
This is the more high-tech zootier version of the W660i. Has exactly the same features plus all these businessy things as well. Way cool, especially for an aspiring tart like myself. The drawback? I have to pay in R800 in order to get it. Mmmm…

Samsung D900:
I currently have a Samsung and have loved every single minute of using it over the past 24 months. Plus it has survived numerous and highly dangerous accidental drops. So as you can well imagine I am tempted to stick with what I know – although in saying that it sounds so bloody boring that I fear I might be turning into Pecan! Shock, Horror! Plus the guy at MTN recommended this one outta the whole lot – io mean gee thanks, like you’re so NOT helping me right now…

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! What to do? Which one do I choose? I know fully understand why the parental unit knows as Dad has always said that being spoilt for choice really is a fucking bitch! Dammit!
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