Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How many Camels are you worth?

I’ve been noticing a fucking shit load of self-worth, value-your-self-cause-you’re-someone-special-sunshine articles floating around lately and it got me a thunking…

How can you really judge your self-worth? Can you perhaps say that because you live in a swing dig house and drive a swanky car you are worth something? Some of exs might be nodding their heads but generally the answer is no. We’re all taught that, from a young age, self-worth is a characteristic that you can’t measure or see (unless of course you have fuck all self-worth and persist with compliment digging – such a fucking irritating habit and one that is bound to be a dead giveaway.)

Anyhoo, like I said this got me a thinking – how come some tarts have too much self-worth (thus by definition making them cocky bitches) and others have less than a straw to try and grab onto? Is it a product of our upbringing, you know growing up in a loving home with your parents instilling this confidence about who you are in you? Or is this something we learn as we get older…

I mean just how many Camels is this tart worth?
(the ideal /correct answer here is that I am priceless... Either way I am so fuckign worthy!)

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