Friday, October 20, 2006

I don’t feel like dancin’, no sir, no dancin’ today!

Ever had someone pop your bubble of happiness? Piss on your parade? Ruin your mojo? Well that’s what happened to me this morning. There I was all ready to skip to my car, my tarty heart pumping full of love, ready to kiss the flowers, grass, my beautiful car and the rest of the Jozi population heading down William Nicol whilst screaming a fat ol’ how ya doing? when my thunder was stolen right from under me… I can tell you it was the second most depressing thing I have ever fucking felt.

The first was when my mojo disappeared and then of course there is the thought of now having to give up vino in exchange for whisky *gag* or even worse never be able to drink about… Ok so its like numero three but it was still fucking depressing and brought me to tears – which for a tart of my caliber is an unprecedented thing!

Now normally this person would have incurred all types of my wrath and would probably have been cursed in 3 languages as well as missing an eyeball or two but for some reason my not-so-evident-anymore-good-mood managed to calm down the boozed up tart in me to a mild state of pissed-off-ness where I was able to be the bigger person (not quite sure what the fuck for but I ran with it) and merely slammed the door hard enough so as to wake my fucking neighbours. Oh and let’s not forgot the oh-so-sugary-sweet-smile that was flashed simultaneously! Aha – how fucking trivial do I sound right now? Mmmm…

Anyhooz, this morning’s thunder stealing was just THAT depressing that after I told Crombie about it, she posted a blog all about how fabulous I am – which is so very true – to try and cheer me up. And it did a bit, worked wonders for getting the warm fuzzy feeling back und I now truly realise the value of friends… Luff you all longtime fi’ dollar, in non-lesbo way of course!

I did still feel a bit down – actually down enough to contemplate NOT going out tonight! Can you fucking handle that? Me, the boozy tart, sit at home on a bloody Friday night? (when I told Crombie this I could almost hear her choking on her coffee) Yes, my thunder was gone and I was nothing now but a mere mortal tart, who for once, thought the idea of watching TV on a Friday night was relatively cool… *depressing sigh* I was gonna give up or pass up a night of boogying, getting down on it and getting jiggy wit it all cause of this thief! Fuck writing this is even making me more depressed! I WANT MY THUNDER BACK – WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (picture the new KFC ad)

Karma though must fucking love me cause this thunder stealer called to apologise *victorious smile* which was enough to make me almost keel over and peg – this thunder stealer never apologises to me without making me sweat for at least the entire day… mmmm, maybe things are a changing! To this thunder stealer – thank you, you are totally forgiven but do it again and we have problems sugar!

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