Thursday, June 28, 2007


Once again, another legend is born!

Jozigal says:
Ok, what else is interesting?

BoozyT says:

BoozyT says:
I'm taking your slight silence to mean that you concur with my interestingness?!

Jozigal says:
Well I was thinking besides me...

Jozigal says:

BoozyT says:
And it's fucking great! We're fucking great, no scratch that (yes scratch it - scratch the crap out of it!) we're fucking awesome!

Jozigal says:
I concur...

Jozigal says:
So dude, I had another fucked up dream last night...

BoozyT says:
Did I kill you this time?

Jozigal says:
Dreamt that I had a BF, and his name was Johan, although in the middle of the dream I forgot his name and then D told me that I look happy and that he wasn’t...

Jozigal says:
And then I asked him if I should fix it for him, bcoz I can, and then I woke up...

BoozyT says:
Ok, that's fucking weird noodle!

BoozyT says:
I wonder what all of these mean?

BoozyT says:
And why Johan as a BF name - think next time you need to choose something sexier

Jozigal says:
I know, although this guy was hot!!!!!!!

BoozyT says:
The thing is he might be hot but you have to ask yourself whether or not you wanna be screaming out JOHAN in a moment of passion - just sounds off putting!

Jozigal says:
I never do... Not my thing screaming out names...

BoozyT says:
So you're not a screamer then?

BoozyT says:
Actually, don't answer that! *lol*

Jozigal says:
Didn’t say that...

BoozyT says:
Just think that next time you need to pick a way hotter name - hot dream men need hot names! It's Dream About Sexy Hot Steamy Men 101!

Jozigal says:
Like the one in that email from yesterday...

BoozyT says:
No, you clearly just scream out: Oh fuck me George - oh no sorry, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to God... Please continue fucking me - thanks!

BoozyT says:
Oh fuck me 5 times from Sunday phuleez. Jee-sus he was gorgeous!

Jozigal says:
I also did a Tarot on myself last night and it also said that there is some union on the way

Jozigal says:
Maybe I get to have a trial BF for a while again...

BoozyT says:
A union, mmmm that sounds fuckable?!

Jozigal says:
That’s always fun...

BoozyT says:
Trial BF are the best - all the shagging, none of the issues!

Jozigal says:
I know...YAY

BoozyT says:
YAY for fuckable trial BF's - bless their um *cough cough*

Jozigal says:
Well we shall see...

BoozyT says:
His cock-a-doo-dil-do... Yes you shall noodle

Jozigal says:
Not nearly near the dating range yet, but your never know...

BoozyT says:
Exactly - lightening could strike and often when you least expect it. Is weird like that, mmmm even shagging buddies are hard to find these days *dramatic sigh*

BoozyT says:
Times are tuff!

BoozyT says:
Hahaha – almost wrote tits are tuff

Jozigal says:
Yes, well at least someone is showing interest...

Jozigal says:
so don’t complain, and The Pilot is crazy about you!

BoozyT says:
BS - you have loads of peeps showing interest they just never manage to cross the finish line and are therefore, according to sound tart theory, not worth the fuck anyway

Jozigal says:
Uhm... Where?

BoozyT says:
Everywhere - you don't notice them but I do - that's why I am your BFF (best fuck finder)!

Jozigal says:
You’re full shit...

Jozigal says:
There has been one, and that was The Baron Man

BoozyT says:
Exactly - great BFF I was there (har har har - oops) I promise that from now on my BFF face will be on constantly!

BoozyT says:
Dude, I think we have another bloggable fuckable MSN here.... again!

BoozyT says:
We are legends! BU JA KA SHA

Jozigal says:
Will copy later.... just a bit busy... besides you can’t put this in your blog.... I sound pathetic....

BoozyT says:
You never sound pathetic - I on the other hand sound like a sex starved nympho!

Jozigal says:
well,. once you’ve opened Pandora’s box, there’s no closing that MF...

BoozyT says:
Especially when it's filled with Spandex, Durex, Playtex and Lube-ex!

BoozyT says:
It's every pimple filled horny freaks dream! Lucky us!

BoozyT says:
Just re-read the last sentence and technically you have named my poen... Pandora!

Jozigal says:
No I didn’t name your waaahhhaaaa - you mentalist!

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