Monday, June 25, 2007

Doing the Facebook thang!

I don't think there is anyone on this planet who hates Facebook - mmm, ok well maybe Crombie who is of the opinion that MySpace is a brazillion times better. I'm not so sure I agree with her on this one. Granted, I did delete my MySpace account as I kept getting these arb and totally scary and ludicrous requests from mofro looking people....

That's what I love about technology - don't like: DELETE, think you're a fucking nutjob: DELETE...! Awesome!

... Facebook though is proving to be a little problematic at the moment - especially when all your exs from high school days and varsity and and and start sending you friend requests. Now one could argue that these are completely innocent and bare no cruel intentions per say but I am not entirely convinced. Back in the days I was a real fucking spoilt rich girl who thought the world of herself and um ja pretty much just me hey.

But life has a funny, and sometimes hard, way of teaching you the true meaning of it. It's a lesson I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Without a doubt, I am a better person for it but I have to ponder why my ex-boyfs feel compelled to re-connect? I firmly believe that exs are exs for a reason and never again shall them or I meet (unless it's at a club followed by an awkward hello and them offering to buy me a drink or 3... then great, otherwise...)

And I mean it's not like you can reject the poor bastards because well this tart has kinda done that once already and I feel sorry for them. I mean how much of a beating can their ego's really take? Then again, I am completely open to the fact that I think I am overly-fabulous and as such am reading too much into these little requests (tend to read too much into most things)...

Mmmm, the Facebook ponderation continues!

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