Wednesday, January 17, 2007


In typing the heading for this posting I was all inspired to get into this heated topic and share my thoughts, you know really hash it out… That excitement has, however, disappeared and to be perfectly honest, I just couldn’t fucking be arsed! But for blogging sake and because the thought of actually having to work is making me sick, here goes…

Relationships: there’re complicated, a right royal pain in the fucking ass and just generally require loads of energy and time…

Recently everyone has been giving me their 2 cents worth as to why I am still single (never mind the fact that this current state of affairs has only been so for 2 weeks). Oh the shock, the horror, the terror I strike into happy smug married people’s lives *gasp* This is when I wish I had balls cause if I did I would tell these fuckers to derelick mine!

The one piece of advice (if you actually dare to call it this) is that I should be going for older, more mature men. Now excuse fucking me but I have a grandfather and secondly: eeuw! Of course this tart eventually learnt that what they meant was someone from the age of 28 up. This is apparently where I have been going wrong for all these wasted years of my youth – who knew?! But in my past few experiences I have found that men, unlike wine, don’t get better with age!

But, as my parental unit known as Mom always says: Lightening could strike! Although at the moment it would seem that it prefers to strike garage motors and thus leave me stranded than actually strike down a hunk of a specimen right in front me!

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