Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Return of the Panty Creamer!

Today is the happiest day of this tart’s life!

It’s Tuesday – the most utterly useless bloody day of the week – and I am glowing like the sun has crawled up my ass and decided to have a mini-supernova!

Today is the day that THE most deevine specimen of male species (besides Ryk in a SPEEDO – *shivers of pleasure down the spine* the man is a god, nuff said) is returning to our small screens today!

Wentworth Miller – besides the shocking first name but when screaming out of pure pleasure I am sure one could find a more appealing name or phrase to yell – is back! My distaste for Tuesdays shall just be applicable to the day time. This fine specimen of panty creamers has made my day, actually scrap that, my fucking year!

Oh bestill my beating heart!

P.S. NB message to all my tarty mates:
Unless you have just severed a leg (or arm or any other appendage for that matter), have severe cock lock (and I am talking pain here tarts) or are too absolutely shitfaced to drive (yes Crombie, that means you), you may not under any other circumstances mentioned above phone, sms, miss call, or even contemplate engaging in any form of communication with me. This type of behaviour is completely forbodden between 8:30pm - 9:30pm. Every Tuesday has now officially become Wentworth Miller time babyeeeez!

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