Thursday, November 01, 2007

Do you believe?

Religios are the worst kind of people.

We all know that the world is made up of a variety of religions - some with a central character called God, others Mary, some Allah etc. We all know that there is freedom of choice in this world and that we all have the right to believe in what we deem fit... So how come Religios don't seem to understand this? Especially the Catholic and Christian ones - man these people are just waiting behind every door to shove more Bible punting crap down your throat.

Personally, I don't believe in God and think the Bible is a load of crap - after all it's a book, and a very subjective book at that! I do, however, believe in a higher power or as I like to term it: "The Universe". My family understands and accepts this and allows me to follow my beliefs.

So my question is this: Why can't others?

Is it really so bad that I think churches are depressing, refuse to get married in one in the long distant future... Am I the Devil Woman, The Eternal Sinner, A Lost Soul etc if I don't go to church, punt my religion down people's throats until they can't breathe anymore? Religion is important to a lot of people but quite frankly I sometimes think it is just used as an excuse, a crux.

I think having faith in something is far more important - however you choose to direct that faith is entirely your decision. A free decision, a decision that no one has the right to critise or mock.

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