Saturday, December 02, 2006

Office Eye Candy

This tart is so uber fucking happy! The drought of no eye candy and fucking shit views has finally come to an end! If I was religious I would be praying on my hands and knees thanking the dear Jebus above for finally answering all our womenly prays! Praise fucking be!

I have, until now, been working in a god damn office / company where there has been fuck all - and I do mean completely fuck all - good looking men! Nothing, zip, nada, hottie persona non grata! This has been a rather fucking desperate and depressing state of affairs! I mean can you imagine not having one semi-decent bloke to scope?! The torture! Super H and I were convinced that HR was doing this on purpose (granted that most of the people in our HR department look like she-men but still one could still hope that they would want some good looking ass to hire cause fuck knows that they aren't gonna get it any other god damn way!)

This drought has been ended by Boy-Next-Door and Biker-Boy - thank you boys for joining Our Company, you have no idea how I look forward to coming to work now! I mean, granted these two boys are each at least like sevens which I know in normal everyday life is a semi-decent score but definitely nothing to start dropping those panties for! However, what you fail to realise is that I have been working in an office with men that should all consider themselves damn fucking lucky to be fives, correction make that like 4.5s!

Before these two gifts from above started, I had one of my Directors inform me that he thought I was boy-mad... Me? This tart? Never! Of course that was before I explained the advantage that these boys would bring to the Company *clearing of throat*... basically the use of office eye candy would eliviate any probable bad fucking moods as all I would have to do is wonder past their desks, have a gander and I would be right as rain - my bad mood and desire to kill? A total thing of the past! Plus if I was going to be required to work more than the normal 8.5 hours every god damn day, I might as well have something fucking delightful and totally yummy to look at!

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