Friday, September 29, 2006

Stupid Twins - I think so!

SCREAM! @#$%!
Smash key-board, hit head against a fucking brick wall! Hee hee hhuuuuuuuu – breathe, compose, wipe away blood… Have you ever noticed how the people you work with are sometimes more than likely and far too often a bunch of fucking morons?! Well these birds are like a rotten cherry on the top of your bee-ute-a-ful ice cream sundae… Never in my entire life have I had the torture of having to work with people that are so inherently fucking stooped - documents are riddled with spellos – and I mean fucking spelling mistakes that MY BROTHERS MADE IN GOD DAMN STD. 1 *breathe in breath out* I mean for crying our loud in a god damn fucking bucket. Jeeee-sus!

Granted, not all of them are actually a bunch of idiotic buffoons – T & F actually have a god damn clue (thank fuck) and if you can get over B’s attitude and tendency to let the ENTIRE office know (don’t think they heard you in Hong Kong sweetie?!) when she is in a pissy mood then the three of them actually are quite pleasant to work with… As for the other two – well all I can say is they are pure proof that we descend from apes, I mean I had no idea that people were actually born this fucking retarded! I shall don them Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

My favourite part about having to work with the Tweedle Twins is the attitude – this gets dished out on a regular basis when their pure ignoramus genius outshines even the brightest of Spring days. The attitude, always amusing to H (my very kick-ass colleague who is ready and waiting on the frontline to kill the stupid twins), usually results in some half-attempt at a pathetic “wise” (I put this in inverted commas as there is just nothing wise about these two) cracks such as: “Do we have to re-invent the wheel everytime?” Yes moron, that’s because your such an idiot YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT CENTURY WE LIVE IN! *ARG* My personal favourite, however, is sending out a document that contains half a sentence – yes folks, half a god damn fucking sentence. Who knew finishing an entire one would take ssssssssoooooooooo much effort?! So I…

Am considering leaving them each a post-it note kindly reminding them that UNISA, does offer English courses! Mmmm…

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